SB Molecular Biology Grade Agarose

SB Molecular Biology Grade Agarose: Product Code 30-10-10
(CAS Number 9063-31-4)
General purpose Molecular Biology Grade Agarose used for a number of routine assays and separation used for Northern and Southern Blotting (DNA 500BP-23Kb) techniques and protein gels in general molecular biology.
General Properties
- Molecular Biology agarose for routine analysis of nucleic acid fragments
- Separation range: ≥ 1,000 bp
- Optimum gel concentration: 0.75%, 1% and 1.25%
- Gelling temperature (1.5%): 36 ± 1.5°C
- Melting temperature (1.5%): 88 ± 1.5°C
Applications: suitable for nucleic acid electrophoresis, blotting and radial immuno-diffusion of proteins.
EEO = <0.14, Sulphate content <0.11% , Gel Strength >1100g/cm, Gelling Temp. 34-38C.
Concentrations used vary depending upon resolution required
e.g. 2% w/v Gel 50-2000BP, 1.5% w/v Gel 150-3500BP, 1%w/v Gel 300-8000BP.
This is similar for different buffer systems using 1X TBE or 1X TAE running buffers.
Dry Powder Shelf Life Expiry: Retest after 5 years