Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) 10x Concentrate pH 7.0

10X Phosphate Buffered Saline Concentrate (1x pH 7.4) Sterile. Dilute to use Bioburden tested.
10X PBS solution is Supplied 0.2 micron filtered, autoclaved sterile (121oC) and packaged in 500ml & 1000ml Nalgene PP bottles. This 10x ubiquitous buffer supplied as a concentrate, is diluted to 1X working strength to use. Thus making 10 litres of a working strength solution from 1 litre concentrated volume.
10X Phosphate Buffered Saline is also sterility checked Bioburden tested: Endotoxin <0.05 EU/ml TVC ) (zero).
Also available in different pack sizes. Whatever your requirements we can provide 10xPBS in small or large bulk containers, please contact Severn Biotech sales office for more information and alternative pack sizes.