Silver Staining Kit

Silver Staining Kit
Product code 30-41-10
The staining kit is used for staining proteins and peptides and detect levels of 0.1-1.0ng of material in SDS Poly acrylamide gel separation.
Contains all solutions for rapid staining and developing of 10x10cm electro-phoretic gels, with Silver stain and de-staining.
Easy to use step by step protocol is included with enough volumes to perform multiple staining of gels.
- Sensitive silver stain – detect proteins at 0.1ng; equal or better sensitivity than coomassie blue dye staining.
- Clarity & Clear background – method produces intensely-stained protein gels with very low background colour or artefact anomalies
- Cost effective Performance – reagents and protocol are formulated to yield excellent staining results amidst even wide-ranging differences in user technique costs.
- Rapid protocol – Protocol takes hours and requires user to complete the entire procedure ,however certain steps and volumes can be performed overnight or shortened with only minimal effects
- Gel-compatible – staining performance is very good with a variety of commercial precast mini-gels and SDS-PAGE buffer-systems
- Lab Technique-compatible – mild chemical formulation ensures compatibility with mass spectrometry, sequencing and other subsequent procedures that depend on de-staining and protein recovery. Water de-staining and washing make this a perfect accompaniment to lab procedures.