Rapid Blue Colloidal Coomassie Stain

New Formulation
Rapid Blue is a colloidal Coomassie safe stain which acts to rapidly stain protein bands within acrylamide and agarose gels.
This stain is ready to use and simply poured into a gel tray to cover the electrophoresed gel. This is then incubated for 10 minutes before the gel bands start to appear. Intensity depends upon time and the protein concentration, however, the stain is exceedingly sensitive and micro-grammes of protein will become visible within minutes.
See gel photo: Acrylamide Protein Gel.
2.5mg Bovine Albumin from Thermo Scientific (Prod#: 1856180) dissolved in 2.5ml 20mM TEAB to make a 1mg/ml stock, from which the following results were seen on a 10% SDS-PAGW gel.
Rapid Blue Staining (Used in staining Agarose & Acrylamide Gels)
The acrylamide gel was incubated in ~50ml of stain on the Orbital shaker
After 10min., the 5ug band was visible.
After 20min., the 5ug band was clear and the 1ug band was visible.
After 60min., the 1ug band was clear, and the 100ng band is becoming visible.
Rapid blue works after just 10 minutes and when left incubating will continue to stain protein bands until they become visible.
As a safe stain this is de-stained in water, to give crystal clear bands as seen above, which become more intense with time.
Sensibly priced for research budgets Rapid Blue is available in 1000ml & 5L quantities. Non Hazardous Formulation