Coomassie Blue Stain

Coomassie Blue Stain is used to stain proteins electrophoresed in Poly-Acrylamide Gels. The separated bands are distinguished as blue bands within the gel. When the gel is stained they are indistinguishable from the background staining. This background is removed using Coomassie Destain Solution which makes the bands appear within a clear gel.
RE Coomassie Blue Stain and De-stain Solutions
Coomassie Brilliant Blue is a ready to use formulation used for staining the protein bands in Acrylamide gels (PAGE) post electrophoresis. It is used with the corresponding de-stain solution, which is applied to remove the stain and to visualise the blue stained protein bands.
Simply place the acrylamide gel in a flatbed tank or dish so it lies flat, add the stain solution and leave to stain the Poly-acrylamide gel blue. Cover the gel with the liquid stain so its submerged within the tank and swirl to begin. The whole gel will stain blue after a number of minutes.
Once completely stained blue pour off the stain and replace this with the de-stain solution and submerge the gel. The bands within the acrylamide gel will gradually appear more obvious as the background gel stain is removed. Continue to de-stain until the protein bands become distinct. Do not overdo the de-stain as it will completely remove the colour from the gel including the gel bands with time. Then remove the gel from the de-stain and wash the gel in water.
Then visualise.
Coomassie Blue stain
1 litre