SB Recovery Gel Agarose

SB Recovery Agarose: Product Code 30-14-50
CAS 9063-31-4
This is a low melting temperature agarose, which allows for the recovery of undamaged nucleic acids at a temperature lower than their denaturing temperature.
Low gelling/melting point agarose, SB Recovery grade has one of the highest resolving capacities for small fragments
- Separation range: 200 – 800 bp
- Optimum gel concentration: ≥ 2%
- Gelling temperature (4%): ≤ 35°C
- Melting temperature (4%): ≤ 65°C
Applications: electrophoresis of DNA fragments ≤ 1000 bp; In-Gel enzymatic processing (digestion, ligation, PCR). Analysis and recovery of small DNA fragments for further applications
Wide Range Low Melting Point temp agarose 200bp-25kb range. Idea l for DNA and RNA recovery it is also useful in viral plaque assays and cloning.
EEO= 0.05-0.13, Sulphate content <0.1% , Gel Strength >2500g/cm, Gelling Temp. 36+/- 1.5C.