SB High Gel Agarose

SB High Gel : Product Code 30-11-50
CAS 9063-31-4
This Agarose is used exclusively with protein separation. It is good for multitude of uses especially with protein separation having a high gel strength.
High Gel works well with Nucleic Acid work it can be used with DNA 500bp-25kb offering a broad separation range.
SB High gel is a high strength agarose, not only especially recommended for high molecular weight nucleic acids >1000 bp, including chromosomes, but also for large sized particles like viruses and ribosomes. Strongly recommended for PFGE owing to its high gel strength and its mobility, which is higher than that of standard agarose.
EEO= 0.07-0.12, Sulphate content <0.3% Gel Strength >1800g/cm Gelling Temp. 40-43C.