Exofoliate Urine Cytology Screening

Exo-foliate Urine Cytology Screening Test Kit
Test Kits P.O.A
A urine cytology screening test kit is supplied by post, with detailed instructions on how to take samples and return them to the lab.
The screening test examines the cells which are passed into the urine from the bladder. The test uses these epithelial cells known as urinary sediment, which have been shed into urine and are collected for testing.
On returning the urine sample to Severn Biotech the Cells are separated from the urinary sediment, they then undergo a staining regime to prepare a microscope slide ready for analysis. This is then screened by experienced cytologists using light microscopy. The presence of cancerous cells can be determined from testing these cells, however, there are limitations and low grade cancer cells can are difficult to identify. The results of the screening are then passed to your family Doctor (GP) who will arrange any further action which they may feel necessary. The results are treated with the utmost confidentiality between you and your medical advisor.
It is recommended that tests are carried out twice a year
In summary
What you receive
A Urine sample test kit is supplied with detailed instructions of how to take the sample and return the sample for testing.
Laboratory Analysis
The cells are taken from the sample and used to prepare microscope slides for Cytology testing and analysis.
We ask you to fill in details about yourself, which covers important areas which can help lead to a speedy interpretation of results. This also includes your name home address and details of your family doctor (GP) name and address of the surgery.
Results are interpreted and fully explained via confidential consultation with a medical advisor, results can be then passed onto your GP and further testing arranged.