SBP0089 – C-Peptide (1-35), human

SBP0089 – C-Peptide (1-35), human
Proinsulin (31-65), human
MW: 3617.1
IMPORTANT – Possible confusion on C-Peptide nomenclature: During the cleavage of proinsulin, the N- and C-terminal dipeptide sequences are clipped from the 35-amino acid sequence, proinsulin (31-65), which connects the insulin A and B chains in proinsulin. The designations “Connecting Peptide” and “C-Peptide” have been used in the past to refer to both the 35-amino acid sequence given above and to the 31 amino acid sequence, C-Peptide (3-33), syn. Proinsulin (33-63), which is the circulating form present in blood. Please ensure that you order only the sequence you require. For C-Peptide (3-33).
Ko, A.S.C. & Smyth, D.G. (1971) Eur. J. Biochem. 20, 190; Oyer, P.E. et al. (1971) J. Biol. Chem. 246, 1375; Frank et al. (1981) Proc. 7th Am. Peptide Symp. p. 729